Let us.. Ring in the New Year 2023, with JOY & Gratitude for Dr. Roy Sweat’s LEGACY as we Embrace the Future A Life “Well Done”- Dad/Dr. Roy W. Sweat. On January 2, 2022! We got the call! It was pouring rain. I got off the wrong sister in law Whitney stopped to get gas. We missed his final passing! Matt had seen Dad on Thursday, Whitney on Friday. I went on Saturday.
On Saturday…January 1, 2022..I said to him.
” Call out to Jesus” I also said ” you once told me – yrs had a million things to do before you go! I then respectively told him ” we have got it from here ” GOGO AO! We miss him!
We have had a lot of change already in 2023, Tina Shotts left us after 23 years..but we still have Yogeta! Tina has promised she’d help us with Sweat Seminars! Tina was searching for Full time work.. in the last 5 years or so, both our gals were Part time. So, we miss her too!

But Alas, we Forge ahead and Focus on Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Becoming the Megastar for Healthcare around the World. We will continue to carry forward Dr. Sweat’s Values and Visions. and Challenge all of you to follow the AO Protocol!


MARCH 22 2022

Dear AO Doctors:

Welcome to 2022 from the board of directors of the R.W. Sweat Foundation.

We are all saddened at the loss of our leader/founder Roy W. Sweat, D.C., B.C.A.O. He truly was a giant in chiropractic. We were all blessed to know him and learn “at the feet of the master.”

Dr. Sweat would not want us to stagnate. He would not want us to mourn for too long. He would want us to carry on and that is what exactly we are going to do. In fact, that is exactly what we are doing.

There are some great things going on with The Atlas Orthogonal Program. Dr. Matthew Sweat has taken over all of the teaching at the Sweat Institute. He teaches Basic I-IV every month. He is also teaching the C.C.A.O. program as well as continuing the advanced seminars. Dr. Angelo Colavita is travelling the country speaking at Sherman College, Palmer Iowa and Life West. He is going to be teaching the Basics at Life West very soon. We have a great presence at Palmer Iowa, Sherman College, Life University in Marietta and several others are in the works. If any of you has any connections with your schools, please let us know. Personally I have taught the Basic program at Sherman. I have spoken to several classes there recently and we have a great presence at that college. I and several other of our doctors have spoken either in person or on Zoom at Palmer Iowa. These programs are available to view by everyone. Watch the Atlas Orthogonal Daily Practice Facebook page for these classes/talks.

You are truly the greatest doctors in the world! Your commitment to Atlas Orthogonal is unprecedented. We are extremely proud of all of you. We know that this is not an easy program, and it takes many hours of dedication to learn. You should all be as proud of yourselves as we are of you!

We continue to get correspondence from patients saying that doctors are giving multiple thrusts without examining the patient between adjustments. Dr. Sweat has always said that if you must change the vectors and give another thrust you must first examine the patient’s scanning palpation and leg check. He has also said that you should never give more than 3-4 adjustments per visit. Post x-rays are vital in this procedure. We are aware of some rules/laws in some states about taking the post x-rays following the first adjustment. You really need to decide if your patient is worth it really. There was an article published entitled “Standard of Care for Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Procedures.” We will post this article again on the website.

The R.W. Sweat Foundation needs to be included in your giving. Most of you understand that in order to receive you must give. Dr. Sweat gave more than 70 years to the betterment of chiropractic. We all have benefited from his care and his genius. We all have stories of how our lives were literally saved by AO. To quote one of our great AO doctors, “Everything that I have, the clothes on my back, my cars, my office, my home…I owe to Dr. Sweat and what he has taught me.” That is a profound statement with which I know most all of you would agree. Please continue to give generously. One office visit a month from everyone would be great. I continue to give $100 per month. You can put it on your credit card so it is very easy. If all of us did this it would give the foundation at least $300,000 per year! Imagine the work that we can get done with that kind of money!

The policy of the program is that you must attend an Atlas Orthogonal Seminar at least every two years. The Grostic Program required 2 times per year. Most of the advanced techniques require these programs. If you do not attend the required seminars we will have to, unfortunately, remove you from the directory. There are many opportunities to get to an Atlas Orthogonal Seminar including the ones in Atlanta, California, Washington and Canada. Learning one thing at these seminars is worth the price of admission. Dr. Sweat has said that if you learn one thing from the Seminar it was worth it. You can also attend the dissection seminars, the basic seminars and the C.C.A.O. seminars.

I hope all of you are doing well this year. We have some exciting things planned for this year. I hope to see all of you at the Atlas Orthogonal Advanced Seminar the third weekend in May.


Dennis G. Fiorini, D.C., B.C.A.O.
President, R.W. Sweat Foundation

MARCH 7th 2022

Atlas Orthogonal Advanced Seminar in Arizona!

Hello Atlas Orthogonal Family!  Our office just returned from the Parker Seminar in Las Vegas.  It was great to see some fellow practitioners and rub shoulders together.  The energy of being with like-minded people was refreshing and inspirational.  We are very excited to host an Atlas Orthogonal Advanced Seminar in sunny and warm Arizona this year.  This is a great place to come visit in March, on March 26-27, 2022.  We will be meeting at a beautiful golf resort in Phoenix, the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa at 5350 E Marriott Drive.

Please pre-register for the seminar at the link below

And click on the room block below..last days for their special rates is , Monday February 28, 2022 for the Marriott Desert Ridge

 Drs. Matt Sweat , Dr. Dennis Fiorini & Dr. Angelo Colavita will conduct the class, reviewing new material and fundamentals essential to master the Atlas Orthogonal Technique.  We will bring an instrument from our office in Gilbert, AZ to the seminar for people to be adjusted.   Special presentation AO  Doctors -Dr. Steve Schuster & Dr. Jeff Finnigan. Schedule will follow soon.

Please register soon so we can get all arrangements finalized.  For registration and costs, go to the AO Website for details.

 Foresight Chiropractic-Dr. Keith Lavender & Dr. Will Jarman

2915 E. Baseline Rd. Suite 126

Gilbert, AZ 85234


MARCH 22 2022

Dear AO Doctors:

Welcome to 2022 from the board of directors of the R.W. Sweat Foundation.

We are all saddened at the loss of our leader/founder Roy W. Sweat, D.C., B.C.A.O. He truly was a giant in chiropractic. We were all blessed to know him and learn “at the feet of the master.”

Dr. Sweat would not want us to stagnate. He would not want us to mourn for too long. He would want us to carry on and that is what exactly we are going to do. In fact, that is exactly what we are doing.

There are some great things going on with The Atlas Orthogonal Program. Dr. Matthew Sweat has taken over all of the teaching at the Sweat Institute. He teaches Basic I-IV every month. He is also teaching the C.C.A.O. program as well as continuing the advanced seminars. Dr. Angelo Colavita is travelling the country speaking at Sherman College, Palmer Iowa and Life West. He is going to be teaching the Basics at Life West very soon. We have a great presence at Palmer Iowa, Sherman College, Life University in Marietta and several others are in the works. If any of you has any connections with your schools, please let us know. Personally I have taught the Basic program at Sherman. I have spoken to several classes there recently and we have a great presence at that college. I and several other of our doctors have spoken either in person or on Zoom at Palmer Iowa. These programs are available to view by everyone. Watch the Atlas Orthogonal Daily Practice Facebook page for these classes/talks.

You are truly the greatest doctors in the world! Your commitment to Atlas Orthogonal is unprecedented. We are extremely proud of all of you. We know that this is not an easy program, and it takes many hours of dedication to learn. You should all be as proud of yourselves as we are of you!

We continue to get correspondence from patients saying that doctors are giving multiple thrusts without examining the patient between adjustments. Dr. Sweat has always said that if you must change the vectors and give another thrust you must first examine the patient’s scanning palpation and leg check. He has also said that you should never give more than 3-4 adjustments per visit. Post x-rays are vital in this procedure. We are aware of some rules/laws in some states about taking the post x-rays following the first adjustment. You really need to decide if your patient is worth it really. There was an article published entitled “Standard of Care for Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Procedures.” We will post this article again on the website.

The R.W. Sweat Foundation needs to be included in your giving. Most of you understand that in order to receive you must give. Dr. Sweat gave more than 70 years to the betterment of chiropractic. We all have benefited from his care and his genius. We all have stories of how our lives were literally saved by AO. To quote one of our great AO doctors, “Everything that I have, the clothes on my back, my cars, my office, my home…I owe to Dr. Sweat and what he has taught me.” That is a profound statement with which I know most all of you would agree. Please continue to give generously. One office visit a month from everyone would be great. I continue to give $100 per month. You can put it on your credit card so it is very easy. If all of us did this it would give the foundation at least $300,000 per year! Imagine the work that we can get done with that kind of money!

The policy of the program is that you must attend an Atlas Orthogonal Seminar at least every two years. The Grostic Program required 2 times per year. Most of the advanced techniques require these programs. If you do not attend the required seminars we will have to, unfortunately, remove you from the directory. There are many opportunities to get to an Atlas Orthogonal Seminar including the ones in Atlanta, California, Washington and Canada. Learning one thing at these seminars is worth the price of admission. Dr. Sweat has said that if you learn one thing from the Seminar it was worth it. You can also attend the dissection seminars, the basic seminars and the C.C.A.O. seminars.

I hope all of you are doing well this year. We have some exciting things planned for this year. I hope to see all of you at the Atlas Orthogonal Advanced Seminar the third weekend in May.


Dennis G. Fiorini, D.C., B.C.A.O.
President, R.W. Sweat Foundation


MARCH 7th 2022

Atlas Orthogonal Advanced Seminar in Arizona!

Hello Atlas Orthogonal Family!  Our office just returned from the Parker Seminar in Las Vegas.  It was great to see some fellow practitioners and rub shoulders together.  The energy of being with like-minded people was refreshing and inspirational.  We are very excited to host an Atlas Orthogonal Advanced Seminar in sunny and warm Arizona this year.  This is a great place to come visit in March, on March 26-27, 2022.  We will be meeting at a beautiful golf resort in Phoenix, the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa at 5350 E Marriott Drive.

Please pre-register for the seminar at the link below

And click on the room block below..last days for their special rates is , Monday February 28, 2022 for the Marriott Desert Ridge

 Drs. Matt Sweat , Dr. Dennis Fiorini & Dr. Angelo Colavita will conduct the class, reviewing new material and fundamentals essential to master the Atlas Orthogonal Technique.  We will bring an instrument from our office in Gilbert, AZ to the seminar for people to be adjusted.   Special presentation AO  Doctors -Dr. Steve Schuster & Dr. Jeff Finnigan. Schedule will follow soon.

Please register soon so we can get all arrangements finalized.  For registration and costs, go to the AO Website for details.

 Foresight Chiropractic-Dr. Keith Lavender & Dr. Will Jarman

2915 E. Baseline Rd. Suite 126

Gilbert, AZ 85234


MARCH 1ST 2022

On Behalf of Dr. Matt & myself, my sister in law Whitney Sweat Colvert and her family and Warren Sweat and his family we want to Thank Everyone who attended Dr. Roy’s Memorial Service and those who watched it on Live Streaming . And, Thanks to all that flew in from afar and drove near, to be a part of his reception as well. We are All SO BLESSED & Thankful for all the Beautiful flowers and donations to the RW Sweat Research Foundation. Dad is Proud of your generosity and kindness. 


On Behalf of my Family of Bartoszewicz ‘s & the Stormes Family. Matt and I want to personally Thank Everyone for their outpouring of Love, Support, Flowers, Donations, Food and Hugs for my sister Regina Bartoszewicz Stormes passing. She was way to young, 58. It is an Important reminder to Live, Serve and Love One Another as God intended, until we reach that “Stairway to Heaven” 



Any or All changes to the new AO Website listings, pls send to me ASAP. Also, your 2022 AO Dues are past due. Please pay soon. Thanks

We are rebuilding the AO Directory for easier accessibility. I will let you know when the AO Directory will be unavailable for a short while, while being rebuilt. Please go online and pay your 2022 Dues and Register for any of our below seminars!