Adjusting the atlas is the most rewarding thing in the world. The greatest pleasure is to see people improve, recover their health and enjoy life. One of the worst things in life is to see a functioning, performing, human being become sick and die.
The next best thing to creating life is to improve and extend life. To see positive scanning palpation improve immediately; imbalanced legs become balanced immediately; and post x-rays become orthogonal or improve immediately after a chiropractic atlas orthogonal adjustment is a very beautiful experience.
We must develop scientific instruments to perform and document our chiropractic programs. To be in this great chiropractic health field and adjust the atlas with a scientific, accurate procedure is a thankful, living experience.
Chiropractically yours,
Roy W. Sweat, D.C.
Dr Denna Dashti
Dr Dennis Fiorini
Atlas Orthogonal (SCALE—Stereotactic Cervical Alignment methods) is a spinal healthcare program developed by Dr. Roy Sweat in the late 1960’s based on scientific and biomechanical procedures.